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IP Geolocation API

Instantly Locate IP Addresses with 99.9% Accuracy

Fast, scalable geolocation API for fraud prevention, ad targeting, and app localization.

IP Address
US flagUS | United States
Postal Code
European Union
Latitude / Longitude
39.9625, -83.0061
Time Zone
Calling Code
trusted by awesome companies
Fast and scalable infrastructure
10 billion API requests in the last 24 hours

IP Geolocation API

Our API is designed with developers in mind. With a single endpoint, you can effortlessly retrieve accurate geolocation information for any IP address. Available via REST API or our official NPM package, enjoy ultra-fast responses, typically between 50-100ms, and reliable performance with 99.9% uptime.

Effortless Integration with Multiple Options

Choose between our REST API with a simple authorization header, or use our official TypeScript/JavaScript NPM package for even easier integration. Experience blazing-fast response times and join our thriving Discord community for support.

1curl -H "X-API-Key: your-api.key-here" \
5"ip": "",
6"version": "IPv4",
7"city": "London",
8"region": "England",
9"region_code": "ENG",
10"country_code": "GB",
11"country_code_iso3": "GBR",
12"country_fifa_code": "ENG",
13"country_fips_code": "UK",
14"country_name": "United Kingdom",
15"country_capital": "London",
16"country_tld": ".uk",
17"country_emoji": "馃嚞馃嚙",
18"continent_code": "EU",
19"in_eu": false,
20"land_locked": false,
21"postal": "EC1N",
22"latitude": 51.5074,
23"longitude": -0.1196,
24"timezone": "Europe/London",
25"utc_offset": "+0000",
26"country_calling_code": "+44",
27"currency": "GBP",
28"currency_name": "Pound Sterling",
29"languages": "eng",
30"country_area": 242900,
31"asn": "AS12345",
32"isp": "Internet Service Provider Name"

Reliable Performance with 99.9% Uptime

Our API delivers high accuracy and quick response times, ensuring your applications run smoothly. Connect with our supportive developer community on Discord for any help you need.

Comprehensive Geolocation Data at Your Fingertips

Receive extensive geolocation information quickly and integrate seamlessly into your projects. Our dedicated Discord community is always available to assist you with support and integration queries.

"IP Flare's real-time latitude and longitude detection combined with geolocation helped us neutralize sophisticated transaction laundering schemes. Their IPv6 support was crucial for our next-gen fraud prevention framework."
Elias Whitaker
Elias Whitaker
Chief Cybersecurity Officer at Hyro
78% reduction in fraudulent transactions

Why We're Not Like Other IP Geolocation APIs

Discover how our advanced IP geolocation service stands out by delivering unparalleled accuracy, resilience, and performance.

Aggregated Data from Multiple Sources

We aggregate and cross-reference data from a wide range of trusted databases globally. This ensures that you receive the most comprehensive and accurate IP geolocation information available.

Real-Time Updates

Our system is continuously updated to include new ISPs and changes in IP allocations. This means you always have access to the most current and precise location data.

Resilient Backend Infrastructure

Built on a robust and scalable infrastructure, our API delivers exceptional reliability with minimal latency, ensuring your applications run smoothly at all times.

Global Low Latency Network

Our globally distributed network ensures rapid response times no matter where your users are located, providing a seamless experience worldwide.

IP Flare's accurate geolocation data and ASN information helps us detect suspicious login patterns. Their reliable API has been crucial for our fraud prevention system.

Omar al-Farouk

Security Engineer at CipherGuard MENA

94ms average query response time

Their precise city and region data allows us to deliver highly targeted ads. The consistent sub-150ms response times keep our real-time bidding competitive.

Linh Nguyen

Advertising Technology Lead at AdMagnet Asia

$2.4M incremental ad revenue in Q3

Enhance Your Applications with,
Reliable IP Geolocation API Services

Seamless Integration
Connect effortlessly with your existing systems.

Scalable Solutions
Grow your usage without compromising performance.

Comprehensive Support
Our team is here to help you 24/7.

Regulatory Compliance

Country-specific pricing or service availability

Restrict access to content or services in countries with legal or licensing restrictions (e.g., GDPR, DMCA).

JP flag
AU flag
US flag
GB flag
DE flag
Improve Conversion Rates

Research shows localization can increase conversion rates by 20%

Display prices in local currencies, optimize checkout flows, and enhance the overall user experience.

New User from Denmark10m ago

Jens has started using your geolocation API.

Why Use Our API?

A common use case for our API is to automatically get the location from an IP address, such as determining the user's country for regional targeting or customizing content.
  • Improve Conversion Rates

    Localization strategies, like displaying prices in local currencies, can boost conversion rates by up to 45%, enhancing customer trust and personalizing the shopping experience.

  • Enhance Security and Fraud Prevention

    By identifying the geographic location of users through their IP addresses, businesses can detect suspicious activities and implement measures to prevent fraudulent transactions.

  • Personalize User Experience

    Tailoring content, language, and offers based on a user鈥檚 location enhances engagement and satisfaction, making interactions more relevant and meaningful.

The currency localization workflow below shows how our geolocation services can be used to automatically detect a user's location via their IP address and apply the appropriate local currency, ensuring prices are always relevant and enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Get currency use case network visual
  • The client refers to the browser on a user's device that sends a request to a server for your application code. It then turns the response from the server into a user interface.
  • The server refers to the computer in a data center that stores your application code, receives requests from a client, and sends back an appropriate response.
"By integrating IP Flare's geolocation targeting, we achieved precise regional pricing enforcement across 12 APAC markets."
Amara Patel
Amara Patel
Senior Lead Developer at Shopify App Developer
63% improvement in regional pricing accuracy

Why Choose Us?

Our high accuracy IP Geolocation API seamlessly identifies the geographical location of an IP address, enabling you to tailor experiences, determine user countries, and perform accurate IP location lookups with ease.


Experience lightning-fast IP lookups that scale effortlessly with your growing needs.


Enjoy HTTPS protection for all users, secure payment processing, and a steadfast commitment to your privacy and security.


Built on AWS infrastructure, our service ensures high availability and scalability, with multiple monitoring systems to guarantee uptime and performance.


Benefit from exceptional customer support available year-round, with every inquiry handled by our dedicated team of experts.

Global Reach

Serving a diverse range of clients from solo developers to large enterprises worldwide. Discover why our customers trust us.


Transparent and competitive pricing with flexible plans to fit any budget. Contact us to find the perfect solution for you.


Access one of the most extensive IPv4 and IPv6 databases, updated daily to ensure precise location data.

Robust Architecture for Unmatched Availability and Reliability

Our system's redundant architecture, complemented by multiple monitoring systems, guarantees unparalleled availability and reliability.

Redundancy use case network visual
  • Leveraging AWS's redundant infrastructure, we provide globally distributed high availability and reliability, allowing our servers to scale seamlessly to meet growing demands.
  • Our proprietary monitoring systems ensure consistent uptime and optimal performance across multiple regions, offering easy access to our API through a single, unified endpoint.

Common Use Cases

Explore the various ways our IP Geolocation API can enhance your applications and services.

Automatic IP Detection and Geolocation

Automatically detect and display a user's IP address, city, country, and timezone using our IP Geolocation API, even if location tracking is turned off. Perfect for applications requiring high accuracy IP location.

Content Customization

Customize the content of your website or mobile app based on a user's geographical location, including news, weather, store locations, currency, flags, and more.

Regional Redirection

Get location by IP address and automatically redirect visitors to region or country-specific websites to enhance user experience and compliance.

External IP Lookup

Find your external IP address seamlessly using our API, simplifying network diagnostics and integrations.

Location Mapping

Display a user's location on a map with accuracy ranging from city to postal code level for enhanced geographic visualization.

Bulk IP Lookup

Perform bulk lookups of IP addresses for applications like user analytics and log file processing with ease.

Bot Filtering

Filter out bad bots and crawlers based on region or country to protect your website and ensure quality traffic.

Multilingual Support

Utilize our API with a wide range of supported languages, including PHP, JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, Go, C#, C, C++, and more.
What Our Customers Say

Trusted by developers and businesses worldwide

IP Flare's BGP routing insights integrated perfectly with our edge computing nodes. Their team helped us optimize Geoloc2.0 queries for 40M+ daily API calls.

Anika Varma

AeroStream Networks

For PCI compliance audits across 8 countries, IP Flare provided bank-grade location verification that passed SWIFT certification requirements flawlessly.

Diego Herrera

Banco Sudamerica

From Mumbai to Montreal, IP Flare's city-level geofencing ensures perfect content licensing compliance. Their custom endpoints reduced our video start time by 1.2s.

Priya Kapoor

BollyFlix Entertainment

Frequently Asked Questions